How to setup a Trigger for SMS in My Cleaner Message Dashboard
Create a Trigger SMS in the My Cleaner message Dashboard
If you are on the main page of the dashboard you need to click Triggers Button to setup, well... a Trigger.
See below highlighted in RED.

After you click the triggers button you will see this screen.

Now before we setup a trigger lets review what Words we can use and not use.

(From Picture)
Reserved words
Do not use trigger words STOP and UNSTOP, since those words are used by the carrier to block sms, if STOP was used the customer would have to send two text with UNSTOP since you would not receive the first one.
Instead use:
Pause or Halt: To stop sending Route reminders.
Start: To Start Sending Route Reminders
Quit: To stop sending any E-mail or SMS
Unquit or Resume: Will Resume Email and SMS
Yes: Will add On Call route customer to route on the next Pick-up.
Now Lets go back to the Trigger Setup Screen

You can set up any Trigger word and the customer will receive a SMS with the text you add in the "Text to Send" box, remember each text can not be longer than 160 characters. You can make them longer, but each 160 characters will count as a SMS sent.
(If you prefer to see a video Scroll to the bottom.)

To setup a Trigger, you need to add the trigger word that will execute the Text to Send.
Type in the word "Special" and go to the next box.

In the Text to send box, add the content that you want to send when the trigger is received, like what is your Special this week/month. Two shirts for the price of one, comforter cleaning special, etc.

MMS HTTP Link: If you have an image you would like to send with the text enter the URL link here and the image will appear with the text. Remember this makes the SMS to MMS and the cost to send is double (current $ 0.04)

If the customer is a Route customer, how will you want to the driver to be notified when the customer send a text? Email or SMS or you can do both.
If you have a connection to your database it will automatically update customer status Pause, Start, Resume or Quit .

Send Email to: & Send SMS to: All Incoming SMS for this Tirgger can be forwarded to an email or phone via text.
Click Add to add your new trigger.

All triggers will show on this side of the screen.
The Add button will add the new Trigger you have created.
Highlight the trigger you want to Edit or Delete.
The Clear button clears the screen without saving.
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