How to send a Mass E-mail.

How to send email to all or some of your customers that have an email by creating a query.

Jesse Jensen
Written by Jesse JensenLast update 2 years ago

To send an email to your customers, you have to create the content for the e-mail first.

All graphics in your email MUST have to have a link to picture on the web (Dropbox for example)

After you have created the content, save the file as an HTML document. 

  • Now you can go to the Comca Systems POS and click on the blue Button that says Main.
  • Then under the customer column click on the blue button that says Query.
  • You will see a check box that says:  Customer with Email or Email (depending on your version). Check the box next to it
  • Next select the date you want by going to the bottom and check last visit. Doing it this way will email the customers you had in the past, lets use three years ago as a starting point. All customers from three years ago will now get the email you send out.
  • Then click the green button Create Query.
  • Finally click the yellow button that says: Send email. You will see the email dispatcher screen, select the letter by clicking the button on the right and adding a subject line. (if you want to add a PDF file select attachment). To add your logo there has to be an image link to the logo.


If you get a message that it has stopped, CLICK OK. The reason why it stops is because the email providers block the amount of e-mails sent , they assume you are spammer, some able to send 20, 50 or 100, it varies from state and city.


Because that customer has a bad email address in the profile. Edit their info or skip.

Then on the screen just above the progress line you will see the name of the last person that the email was sent too. Write down the name EXACTLY as you see it (I'll will use my name as an example Jensen, Jesse)., with comma's and everything. Exit out of the e-mail dispatcher and enter the following SQL statement below by adding the name it stopped on.


DO NOT CLICK CREATE QUERY AGAIN or it will start from the beginning of your customer file..

See image below.

After you have EDITED the query,  send the email again 

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