How to add Coupon(s) to a Receipt
How to print a receipt that has your coupon(s).
Here is how to add coupon(s) for your customers that take their Receipts.
This is specifically for Star Printers.
First click on the Start (Windows Key) button and click on any letter.
It will show all your apps in alphabetical order. Search for the letter "S" and click on it.
Look for the folder called Star Micronics, open the folder and click Configutaion Utililty TSP100 (Underlined in Red on the photo above).
A window will pop up asking what printer you want to configure. Select the Star Printer.
A window should pop up and ask what mode you want, select Star Line Mode
Then the Configuration menu will pop up like in the image below.
Next, click "Image List" on the left navigation bar.
After you do that insert your coupon images by clicking the "Add New" button.
A new window will show your imported image like in the screenshot below.Just be sure that the image width is set to be less than the configured pritable width.
Create a name for your image in the Image ID Name field.
Tinker with the Width & Dither methods. If your image has error difussion, then select eh right settings such as Black Level, White Level & Transparency to make sure your coupon, when printed out, is legible to your customers so you can increase more sales.
Use the "Test Print" button to see how it looks in real life.
After you are done, click the "Use Image" button. You will be reverted back to the Image List (as seen below), where you can add more coupon images if you need to do so.
Be sure to click the "Apply Changes" button after you are done.
Finally, we go to the next part where the Printer looks for key words on the Invoice before printing it out the invoice with a Coupon.
On the Navigation bar on the left, look for Text Processing and click on it.
In this example, we use the key word : Suit
To add a key word, click the button "Add Key".
After you added your key, change any setting son the right side, such as adding mustiple coupons or just a single coupon. (You may have to check and uncheck the boxes.)
After that click the button "Apply Changes" close Star Configuration utility and Open the Comca Systems POS. Create some fake invoices to see if the coupon comes out with the key words you selected.
If it works, Good job!
If not, check that you didn't missed any steps.
If you run into any issues, please call us and let is know.
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