How to get your Monthly Sales Tax

Here is how you do you Monthly Sales Tax.

Jesse Jensen
Written by Jesse JensenLast update 5 years ago

Click on Main

Next go to Finance Report (Yellow Button) in the Finances Column

Now that you are In Finance Report. Select the beginning of the month and the last day of the month on the left side.

After that you go to the right side of the screen and only have the Monthly check box marked.

Then click on the Yellow button in the middle on top that says Paid.

Finally Click on the green buttons below, Excel or PDF, on how you want to save the file.

In this case we click print. Because we want to give it to the accountant.

A little window will pop up and ask how you want to print, either to screen or printer.

Destination Print to screen: Will show you a preview of what your report shows.

Destination Printer: printing your printer that you have selected.

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