How to do an Inventory Check.
Check the Inventory at your store.
To do an Inventory Check:
Go to MAIN.
Then go to the Column that says Finance and select the button that says Inventory Report.
Select theπ¦ blue button that says Scanner Check
A window will Pop-up asking: DO WISH TO ADD TO PREVIOUS SCAN?
Select NO (For First Time)
If you exit (to tend to a customer) and want to continue where you left off doing the same inventory Select Yes.
Start Scanning All Invoices.
(You can check scan location if you want to update location of the invoices, if not, do not check it.)
When you have finished scanning all the invoices click the Exit Button.
Select a date up to the newest invoice you have scanned if you do not scan everything.
If you want to print the results on the receipt printer. Check the box print to Receipt Printer BEFORE you click Compare button.
To compare what you have scanned with your database, click the Compare Button.
The first results will have invoices that are picked up but still in inventory and then it will print invoices that is missing in Inventory.
Check the location of any invoice not found to be sure you did not miss it while scanning.
If you need to VOID or a lot of invoices.
Exit Inventory Report and click the button below that says Inventory Scan Result.
Here you can select the group of Invoices that you want to pay our or void and select the day you want to be paid out or voided.
Its best if you select a weekday that you are closed, that way you can do a bulk reverse with one click if you did a mistake.
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