How to Setup Comca to send email with your Google or Yahoo account.
After inputting your email and password for your email account to send emails. You also have to make an app password so your email account can send the emails.
You need to setup a App password just for Comca this way if you change the password on the account (weather its google or yahoo) it will not affect the email in comca.
Here is how (for google users):
•You will open Chrome and sign in to the Gmail account, then click the lower icon on the upper right of the chrome and click "Manage your Google account"
•Then click "Security" on the left.
•Then go to the box "Signing in to google"
•If you haven't turn on 2-step verification, turn that on first and then come back to this screen.
•You will see a line right under 2-step saying "App Password" click on it.
•After entering your password you will see a screen saying:
•“Select the app and device you want to generate the app password for.”
•Click the "Select App" and Select "Other (Custom Name)
•In the name enter COMCA and select the button "Generate"
•It will show you a password that it generated, Copy it and save it on your computer.
Now go to each store and click Main Company Setup, click the email setup tab and erase the old password and paste the new generated password.
Click Test Email button after to be sure it works.
It is similar for Yahoo accounts.
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